We welcome expert contributors to share the authentic and helpful insights to the different topics.
Our requirement is that our authors must share a piece of blog that our audience finds informational and interesting.
All the writers out there who want to submit a guest post to Buzzflix must know that we require certain standards and guidelines to meet.
Below are some of the guidelines that our contributors must follow to get their content published on our website.
Guidelines and Requirements:
- The content must be original and self written. AI generated content is not acceptable.
- The content length must be at least 700-800 words per article following the general SEO guidelines.
- The content must contain useful resource links that can help audience understand the topic better.
- The article must contain a catchy headline and a relevant image.
- The intent of the content must not be promotional, written specifically for the promotional purposes.
- All of the gray niche articles are not allowed.
Buzzflix secures the right to change or update the content if required. We also maintain rights to delete the content that does not follow our mentioned guidelines.
How to get in touch?
Please email us at adeelsial4200@gmail.com to contact us and submit your pitch.