Westwood Post Acute is an SNF that is situated in San Jose, California and accepts both Medicare and Medicaid. Established many years ago, this nursing home offers care to those who need it on a short term basis as well as those who need permanent care. If you are thinking of placing your loved one or yourself in Westwood Post Acute, you will find all the information that you need regarding the facility, rating, services, and care.
Facility Overview
Westwood Post Acute is located at 1601 Petersen Avenue, San Jose, California 95129. This Medicare and Medicaid certified skilled nursing facility is affiliated to the LINKS Healthcare Group which is a for profit chain owned by Glacier Bay Holdings LLC. Originally certified in 1978 to offer services, the facility has been offering care to the elderly and those with medical needs from that year. Westwood Post Acute does not have any relationship with a hospital or a continuing care retirement community (CCRC), and provides care in a nursing home-like setting.
Certified beds are 258 and the average number of residents per day is 242.40. It has amenities that are associated with the contemporary buildings such as an automatic sprinkler system in all the necessary areas. The ownership structure of the facility has remained the same over the last one year and the facility offers a comfortable and secure living space.
Ratings and Inspections
Westwood Post Acute has an average of 3 stars out of five stars, which is an average rating for nursing homes. This rating is derived from factors such as health inspection, staffing ratio, and quality indicators.
Health Inspection Rating:
Westwood Post Acute got a much below average score on its most recent health inspection. This facility has had 39 health deficiencies that are categorized under care, activities, and safety. However, the following are some of the deficiencies that have been observed in the facility; The facility has however put measures in place to correct these shortcoming.
Staffing Rating:
The staffing rating is below average, this indicates that although there are adequate number of staff to cater for the residents’ needs, there could be issues relating to staff turnover and promotion of staff competency. The total nursing staff turnover rate is 52.1% at Westwood Post Acute, and this could be a problem since there would be variations in the level of care that patients receive.
Quality Measure Rating:
However, there is some good news; Westwood Post Acute has a quality measure rating of 5.0. This rating is based on the facility’s high score in several quality measures including long term care and short term rehabilitation. The quality measure rating indicates that the residents are being provided with a good quality care, outcomes wise and satisfaction wise.
Services Offered
Westwood Post Acute offers a range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of its residents, including:
Skilled Nursing Care:
For people who need constant care and supervision as a result of their illnesses, injuries, or developmental disorders.
Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy: These services assist people in regaining their mobility and functionality after an injury, operation or a long-term sickness.
Post-Acute Rehabilitation:
They offer short term rehabilitation services for patients that have undergone surgery, stroke or other major surgeries.
Long-Term Care: For persons who require constant attention due to their chronic diseases or disability that hinders them from managing their lives on their own.
Resident and Family Experience
The focus of Westwood Post Acute is to provide residents with a caring and dignified atmosphere. The facility has a resident and family council to represent the interest of the residents and their families. Also, the facility tries to respect the residents’ choices and needs in order to provide comfortable living conditions.
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Final Remarks:
Despite the fact that there are some shortcomings in Westwood Post Acute in San Jose, CA, including staffing and health inspection ratings, this facility is still an appropriate choice for patients requiring skilled nursing services. The facility has good ratings in terms of quality measures and its major area of specialty is rehabilitation, and this makes it an important facility for anyone who needs short or long term care. Of course, it is always necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the family’s situation and study all the possibilities of selecting a nursing home for a relative.